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How do I get started with my application?In the first stage of becoming a US educator, applicants enter the application phase. This is where they receive guidance and resources to help them start their application process. During this phase, applicants must complete their profile information and submit the initial documents necessary to advance their application to the next stages - screening and document verification.
What is an FCE (Foreign Credential Evaluation)?Foreign Credential Evaluation reviews your academic documents outside the United States. This process compares your education with the US system, making it understandable for schools and other educational institutions. Click the link to begin your application: Free FCE Step-by-Step Application Guide
¿Cuáles son las fases de contratación?GlobalEd Solutions ha clasificado sistemáticamente el proceso de contratación en cuatro fases. Estas fases son: Fase 1: incorporación inicial: firma de contrato, acceso al portal y procesamiento de documentos iniciales Fase 2 - Capacitación de desarrollo profesional Fase 3 – Colocación, Certificación Docente y Procesamiento de Patrocinio Fase 4: procesamiento de visas, implementación y llegada
What are the services that GlobalEd Solutions offers?GlobalEd Solutions assists international teachers in making an impact within the US education sector with our streamlined H-1B Visa Support Program. We take care of all legal, regulatory, and preparatory steps to simplify the transition to US employment. Onboarding: Thoroughly processed and managed documentation requisite for visa sponsorship. Professional Development: Specialized online courses with live training sessions including but not limited to Classroom Management, Data-Driven Instruction, and Effective Implementation Strategies. Certification: Processing and submitting State Teaching Certification is critical for the H-1B petition alignment with educational standards. H-1B Placement and Filling Assistance: Job placement in one of our partner schools through H-1B visa and assistance with visa petition filling. Premium U.S. Visa Processing: Review visa application documentation to ensure that it is complete and accurate and expedite U.S. visa interview scheduling assistance. Employment Certificate Processing: Targeted facilitation of exit clearance procedures, with specialized aid, particularly for Filipino instructors securing the Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC). Deployment: Arranging itinerary and booking of flight to the US, Airport pickup, hotel accommodations, and US document processing, housing arrangements, and the initial accommodation to the U.S.
What is the timeline for the hiring process for the H-1B visa?The H-1B hiring process typically takes 4 to 8 months from job offer to deployment, depending on the prompt submission and processing of documents. Onboarding ---- 15-12 days H-1B Visa Petition ---- 8-12 weeks for Standard 15 days for Expedited Visa Processing ---- 3-6 weeks Deployment ---- 2 weeks
¿Cuáles son los requisitos iniciales?La lista de verificación de los requisitos iniciales está disponible en la sección del rincón del miembro. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ser enrutado. Enlace
How much does it cost to apply?The "US placement fee average cost," when looked up online, is an average of $15,000. Our comprehensive fee is only around half of that, only around $8,000. GlobalEd Solutions prides itself on affordable, efficient services. We charge per service, not 15-25% of the annual salary placement fee. Here are our starting prices for our services: H-1B Screening at $50 Onboarding fee after Job Offer at $1,000 Professional Development Course with live training sessions at $49 H-1B visa petition filling assistance at $2,500 Deployment is now FREE (complimentary) Important Note: If you do not have the financial capability yet to shoulder the fees, please do not proceed with our limited free H-1B screening.
Why is the Document Upload Button Grayed Out or Unavailable?The document upload feature is only available for applicants who have passed the online assessment. Once they have passed it, they will be prompted to fill out a form to be shortlisted, and then they will be granted access to the document portal.
How do I get shortlisted?Applicants must complete an online assessment to be considered for the GlobalEd Solutions H-1B lineup and gain more visibility among partner schools. This will also grant them access to additional resources to help them succeed in their application process. Online assessment available here:
How do I schedule for an H-1B screening interview?Applicants must have all the qualifications to be considered for the H-1B Screening Interview. This process thoroughly examines their initial documents and credentials to ensure they meet the requirements. Only those applicants who successfully pass this assessment and are shortlisted will be eligible to schedule an H-1B screening interview.
What is the GlobalEd Solutions H-1B lineup?These highly skilled teachers have completed their initial requirements and passed the screening interview. Their profiles will be visible to our partner schools nationwide and endorsed to the schools for their respective vacancies. The candidates in the lineup will have the opportunity to be invited for a job interview by our partner schools and be granted a job offer and an H-1B visa sponsorship.
¿Qué es el proceso de incorporación?El proceso de Onboarding es la fase inicial del proceso de contratación. A los candidatos se les entregará la lista de requisitos completos a cumplir para el patrocinio del programa, certificación y visa estadounidense. Los candidatos también tendrán acceso de miembro al sitio web de GlobalEd Solutions, donde se puede acceder a todos los recursos necesarios en el proceso de contratación, asà como al portal donde se pueden cargar todos los documentos.
Why do I need a bank statement?Qualifying for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity requires not just outstanding credentials, but financial preparedness. Processing documents to secure a US visa involves fees, and we are looking for professionals who understand this opportunity and are ready to process their applications. IMPORTANT NOTE: When partner schools offer jobs to candidates, they must pay the processing fee within 3 days, or the offer will be withdrawn. Therefore, candidates must have the ability to pay fees.
What is the primary objective of the H-1B screening?The H-1B screening aims to evaluate the applicant's communication skills and overall readiness to take on the role of a Global Educator in the United States, ensuring they meet the position's standards and expectations.
How do I become eligible for the H-1B Screening Interview?Candidates must thoroughly verify their profile to be considered for the H-1B Screening Interview. This process thoroughly examines their initial documents and credentials to ensure they meet the requirements. Only those candidates who successfully pass this assessment and are shortlisted will be eligible to schedule an H-1B screening interview.
What are the financial requirements for the screening interview?Booking the screening interview requires a non-refundable fee of $50. However, this fee isn't lost if you pass the interview; it gets credited towards your Onboarding process.
Is it possible to reschedule my screening interview?Yes, candidates have the option to reschedule their interview to a later date, but this is limited to two occasions prior to the originally scheduled date.
What happens if I don't pass the screening interview?Candidates who do not pass the interview are permitted to reschedule within 30 to 60 days, depending on the assessment results. It is recommended that during this period, candidates engage with materials and resources that can improve their chances of success in the next attempt.
What are the criteria to qualify for the H-1B Screening?To proceed with the H-1B screening, candidates must have successfully completed the initial documentation and meet the H-1B qualifications.
What if I miss my scheduled screening interview?Candidates are permitted to reschedule their interviews once if they miss their original appointment. They may reschedule their interviews up to two times before their original schedule.
Can I cancel my screening interview?Candidates are free to cancel their screening interview at any time. However, it’s important to remember that the screening fee is non-refundable, so cancellation does not entail a refund.
Is there a refund policy for the screening fee?Once paid and the interview is booked, the screening fee is non-refundable under any circumstances. This policy stands regardless of whether the interview is attended, cancelled, or rescheduled.
Why do I need a bank statement?Qualifying for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity requires not just outstanding credentials but financial preparedness. Processing documents to secure a US visa involves fees, and we are looking for professionals who understand this opportunity and are ready to process their applications. IMPORTANT NOTE: When partner schools offer jobs to candidates, they must pay the processing fee within three days, or the offer will be withdrawn. Therefore, candidates must have the ability to pay fees.
Can I have a bank statement from a sponsor?We accept bank statements from sponsors (family, friends, colleagues), with a letter of intent to sponsor the candidate’s application and a valid ID from the sponsor.
What's next if I pass the H-1B screening interview?Once an applicant successfully completes the screening interview, they will be recognized as an H-1B candidate. This status will allow their profiles to be visible to partner schools throughout the United States. Additionally, they will be recommended for any urgent job vacancies for the current school year.
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